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Beginning with the school's inception in 1908 as Hays Catholic College through its current monikers as Thomas More Prep-Marian Jr./Sr. High School and Holy Family Elementary, the intense belief in a Catholic, private school offering in Ellis County has been illustrated through the great generosity of its citizens, both Catholic and not, enrolled and not, alumni and not. Early Catholic families paved the way for hundreds of their ancestors to receive a Catholic education. Each benefactor of the now 111 year history of the school has a story deserving to be told.

Today, the diversity of educational opportunities in Ellis County strengthens all options for our students for the betterment of our communities. TMP-Marian and Holy Family Elementary add volume and substance to Christ's teaching on earth.

If you want information on giving, updates on projects, or just want to see what is going on within the Hays Catholic Schools worlds of Thomas More Prep-Marian Jr/Sr High School and Holy Family Elementary School, contact us at: or call 785-625-9434

Welcome to the Home of Advancement for the Hays Catholic Schools

In this space we can help you support Thomas More Prep-Marian and Holy Family Elementary according to your wishes.

Advancement, Alumni Association & Endowment Foundation

Teach us to give and not count the cost.

St. Ignatius of Loyola  

   On the gift of charity

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Student decorating Advent Tree